As John Schiller once said,'It is not flesh and blood but the heart which makes us fathers and sons.' When we recapitulate this quote, we can easily infer that it is not what inside our body makes us bond together or even our colour, it depends on what we have in our soul, our heart.The thought with which we move on is what counts.My family and I do not just believe in celebrating Hindu festivals. Instead, we celebrate festivals that hold values that can be inculcated into us and put to good use. Not all are so fortunate to have 2 parents who can spend quality time with their children and have a ball of time with them.(Thanks, Mum& Dad!!) I want to actually share my wonderful, exhilarating experience I had with my family on a special day called 'Thanksgiving'.I think Thanksgiving provides a golden opportunity to spend quality time with my parents for what they have done for me.The time they sacrificed for me as a toddler then a child and now as a teen.Thanksgiving provides me with peace, happiness and calmness within myself.As John Kennedy once mentioned,'As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.'This explains that whenever we say thanks, we shouldn't say it for the sake of it. We should live by it and honour it, for that is what matters.
Last Thanksgiving was held on 27th November 2008, and it was an excellent foray for me to even thank my grandmother, who came on a holiday visit to Singapore.We all shared a passion be it me or even my brother or even my parents,all had the same intentions of thanking each other for their valuable contributions.Now the first question that would pop up in your mind would be 'Isn't he desi(Indian)?' But really, when come to think of it, is it wrong to share the joy of anyone else?
Well, the day started off normally.(NO!No sleep mode!I cant possibly explain everything so I will summarise it!!)So,basically we go to the temple and pray for the well-being of others and care for those who have been ill-treated and those in poor living conditions.On our way back we stopped at Bedok Reservoir,admiring the serene waters as well as spending quality time reviewing our past actions and making remedies for improvement in the future. With that, dinner came we went to dine out at a restaurant.Before we knew it the day was over but the important thing was that we were able and blessed to spend the time together as a family and continue to learn more about Thanksgiving and the values that succumb to it.
Signing off ,
Sanjeev Menon
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